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Are Free Bed Bug Inspections Really Free?


Updated: Mar 15, 2022

So you think you may have bed bugs in your Las Vegas apartment, house, or business?

When you think you have found bed bugs the first thing most people do is go online to try to find an affordable pest control company to help since having bed bugs is not a do-it-yourself pest control job. The first step in bed bug extermination is to conduct an inspection.

You call a few companies to find out how much a bed bug inspection is and ask how much the bed bug extermination is going to cost. Some companies will do free pest control inspections. You say to yourself, wow, this is great I can find out if I have bed bugs and where they are for free - but is there a catch?

An important thing to remember is, nothing in life is free.

I speak with callers all the time that are looking for free bed bug inspections. I recently spoke with a caller who told me her story about getting a free bed bug inspection from a local Las Vegas Pest Control Company. Long story short, going the cheaper route for this caller did not end up cheaper in the long run. She still has bed bugs in her home. She said the technician did do an inspection with a flashlight and magnifying glass and said he found bed bugs in all 3 bedrooms, her loft and the living room. She was advised to have the entire house treated for bed bugs, paid a lot of money, and now, 1 1/2 months later, she still has bed bugs. Turns out there was no bed bug warranty on the service.

Our office receives calls all of the time for people looking for free bed bug inspections. Please remember that nothing in life is truly free. Do you think a company would spend an hour or more doing a free inspection, pay someone a salary, pay for gas to get to and from your residence - all for free? Is there a motive here? Once they are there it is hook, line and sinker.

The moral of this bed bug story is if you think you are getting a bed bug inspection or evaluation for free, you may end up paying more in the long run. Do your research before having a bed bug inspection. Do your research before hiring a Las Vegas Pest Control Company for bed bug extermination. Always ask the pest control inspector to "show me the bug", always get your quote in writing, and always ask for a warranty.

Bed bugs are known has the hardest pest to rid from a structure - just one missed bed bug and your problem will continue.

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